Swinton Voices

A new project, called ‘Swinton Voices’, was announced on Friday 20th January 2017. The aim of the project is to encourage as many people as possible to write about their personal memories of Swinton in yesteryear. This is an ambitious project that will record as much about Swinton's past directly from the people still alive today, but hopefully provide a fascinating insight into Swinton for generations to come.

If you would like to help with this project, please get in touch. As a contributor, you may wish to focus on a specific area of personal interest such as your schooling years, a play area, workplace, pub or the street that you grew up on. You might even want to provide a more comprehensive history of your life in Swinton.

We are not looking for literary masterpieces, but for detailed memories, that you can put into a word processing document and/or email.

The 2017 edition of ‘Swinton Voices’ can be downloaded here.