
On this page are a few answers to common questions received:-

1) For reasons of copyright, privacy and respect, no images are stored or published on this website. Although I do not supply copies of photos, I do publish genealogical reports on demand which contain images where present. If you’re wishing to contact me in order to request a genealogical report, please also explain your connection to Swinton and provide information that you are able to share. I upload requested genealogical reports to the Forum from where they can be downloaded; doing this helps other people who may be researching the same people.

2) Unless it is a recent interment, as far as I am concerned, I have photographed all legible headstones in Saint Margaret’s Churchyard. Many graves didn’t have headstones erected in the first place whilst others have literally fallen into the ground. If you need help in finding an unmarked grave, you should contact an official from Saint Margaret’s Church. With interments constantly taking place, there’s a very small chance that I may miss these although I make every attempt to keep my photographic record of headstones as up to date as possible.

3) Names of loved ones are sometimes included on headstones, but that does not necessarily mean that they are buried there. To confirm who is buried where and when, please contact an official from Saint Margaret’s Church or purchase/view a burial data disc/book available from Doncaster Archives/Family History Societies.

4) Unless requested not to do so, I credit all suppliers of information as the source of the data.

5) Cemeteries are generally operated by the Council or by private companies. Saint Margarets’ is a Church and thus the Churchyard comes under the jurisdiction of the Church of England.

6) I have currently taken over 18,000 photos of over 3,000 graves.

7) I don’t make any money from this website and I personally fund all aspects of it.

8) There are many graves which I need to photo again, mainly for lack inscription clarity or lack of headstone representation. There is also a relatively small and new section that I have not photographed at all. This will be completed in due course.