Swinton Record is a record and celebration of the past inhabitants of Swinton, South Yorkshire. The details of Swinton’s past inhabitants have been obtained from the grave headstones still standing in Saint Margaret's graveyard, from Censuses and from people connected to Swinton, to name just three sources.

Swinton Record isn’t just about adding names to a database; it’s also about revealing the personalities of Swinton’s past people and their experiences of Swinton in yesteryear. This requires interaction and discussion between people with a shared interest in Swinton and its people. To facilitate this, I have created a number of interactive sites that can be accessed from the website footer.

If enough people contribute to Swinton Record, it will be possible to create an extremely interesting picture of the people who have lived in Swinton and the people they were/are connected to.

Please note that Swinton Record offers no guarantee of accuracy for records held and displayed and would advise any visitor or Genealogist to verify records using their own means.

Please get in touch if you have any amendments, certificates, documents, information, newspaper articles or photos etc. to add/share.